OSIJEK, Feb 5 (Hina) - There are still about three million unremoved mines
in Croatia. Since the beginning of the war, 300 children had been killed and
1,000 had been injured by mines, an envoy of the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) in Osijek , Trufs Toggenburget, told reporters in
Osijek on Wednesday.
Most mines were located by the former line of separation between the
Croatian armed force and Serb para-military forces, that is, in the Croatian
Danubian area, Toggenburget said and warned about the enormous danger of
mines which would continue in Croatia for another 25 years.
The danger would remain for that long even if a thousand people kept
continuously removing mines, he said.
Toggenburget told reporters about the programme of preventive
protection of mines. The programme envisages brochures, leaflets, video
films and audio materials, as well as a media campaign about the dangers of
mines, preventive measures and protection.
The International Committee of the Red Cross will organise courses and
workshops about the issue. The slogan of the action is - You survived in
war, survive in peace, beware of mines.
The programme was experimental and would be used in Cambodia, Angola
and Chechnya, Toggenburget said.
The ICRC has educated 80 instructors in Croatia who are working on the
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