09. prosinca 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 1033 Med merino 21m 780
Fine merino 20m 884 Med merino 22m 713
Broad merino 23m 626 Comeback 25m 596
Broad merino 24m 608 Comeback 26m 576n
Fine Xbred 27m 558n Med Xbred 29m 530n
Fine Xbred 28m 540n Med Xbred 30m 495n
Med Xbred 31m 481n Merino cardings 496
Xbred cardings 417n Eastern mkt ind 701
Australian wool indicator falls 4 cents to 701c/kg
MELBOURNE, Dec 9 (Reuters) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell four cents to 701 cents a kg clean on
Tuesday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece tended lower, with 19/22 micron one percent
cheaper, 20/26m 0.5 percent cheaper, 21m up to one percent
cheaper, 23/25m slightly dearer and 24m unchanged. In merino
skirtings, 20/21/22m were up to two percent cheaper.
In crossbreds, 27/30m were 0.5 percent cheaper, 28m 0.5
percent dearer, 29m unchanged and 31m 1.5 percent cheaper.
Most carding descriptions were slightly cheaper.
WI said competition was general with most sectors active
including China.
Of the 27,163 bales offered, 16.0 percent were passed in.
In early Fremantle selling, 21/22/23m merino fleece were two
percent cheaper and 24/25m 1.5 percen cheaper. Merino skirtings
are yet to sell while in cardings, locks and crutchings were
generally unchanged.
The early pass-in rate was a high 26 percent.
Sales continue on Wednesday in Sydney, Melbourne and
Fremantle, with about 39,470 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 08. prosinca 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 482 58s SUPER 351
66s SUPER 442 58s BLENDED 343
64s SUPER 390 56s SUPER 341
64s BLENDED 388 54s CARDED 319
60s SUPER 372 50s CARDED 295
60s BLENDED 366 58s ENGLISH 258
56s ENGLISH 249
50s ENGLISH 243
Bradford wool market finds trade patchy
LONDON, Dec 8 (Reuters) - A slight improvement in deliveries
was reported by some brokers, although those engaged in combing
were finding capacity still below par.
Patchy new business was indicated in the home trade, but
everyone in the market was increasingly aware of the approach of
the Christmas holiday period, traders said.
Competition at the final British wool sale before Christmas
is expected to be better than at the last sale, largely because
payment is not necessary before January, they added.
101013 MET dec 97
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