SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 20. lipnja 1997.
minimalne količine u vagonima, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ghana Maincrop 1833.00 N
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1793.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1805.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1678.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ FAQ 1636.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1691.00 N
Malaysia 110 1723.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 2312.00 N
Liquor Brazil 2522.00 N
Maslac African 4436.00 N
Maslac drugi 4441.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 634.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 20. lipnja 1997.
JUL7 1564 1583 1590 1564 1564 1566
SEP7 1615 1636 1638 1611 1611 1613
DEC7 1655 1675 1676 1654 1655 1655
MAR8 1690 1702 1703 1684 1684 1687
MAY8 1706 1719 1712 1706 1706 1706
JUL8 1749 1726 1726
SEP8 1769 1746 1746
DEC8 1756 1759
MAR9 1788 1799 1800 1788 1788 1788
CSCE cocoa ends sharply lower ahead of CFTC data
NEW YORK, June 20 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa futures ended
sharply lower and toward the bottom of the day's range on
Friday, pressured by speculative profit-taking on the heels of
Thursday's strong gains, dealers said.
While scale-down industry buying helped to offset some of
the pressure, the spector of a large increase in speculative
long positions in the CFTC's Commitment of Traders report due
later today held prices down.
"The market was a little tired and concerned about the
CFTC report," said one trader.
Traders said speculators (non-commercial and
nonreportables) could be net long some 30,000 lots, with some
estimates as high as 40,000 lots. The latest data is due out
after 1600 EDT/2000 GMT Friday.
Benchmark September fell $26 a tonne on the day, to
$1,613, after ranging between $1,638 and $1,611. Spot July
ended $29 lower, at $1,566, while the back months finished down
$20 to $28.
Cocoa prices headed lower at the outset, with downward
momentum accelerating after September pierced near-term
support at $1,620, traders said.
Technically, they said September's next support level was
seen at $1,610, while nearby resistance was seen at $1,630.
There were no fresh fundamentals in the market today,
although some traders said improving weather in top-grower
Ivory Coast dampened sentiment.
"There have been better rains in the Ivory Coast," said
one trader. "The next pod counts should show an improved
While cocoa's run-up since last week was mainly
chart-driven, traders said the longer-term fundamental outlook
underpinned the market. Preliminary forecasts from the Ivory
Coast pointed to a reduced cocoa harvest in 1997/98, they
noted, and talk of harvests being hit by dry weather in late
1997 from the El Nino continued to spark concern.
"The market's rally was strong," said another trader,"but
it may have been premature.
231026 MET jun 97
Istraživanje: Moderna automobilska tehnologija 'ne vidi' dobro reflektirajuću odjeću
NBA: Odlične partije Zubca i Matkovića
Studija: Raspad obitelji povećava vjerojatnost moždanog udara kasnije u životu
SVJETSKA TRŽIŠTA: Azijske burze blago pale, euro ojačao
Napad ukrajinskih dronova izazvao požar u industrijskom objektu u ruskoj regiji
DHMZ: Pretežno oblačno s kišom
HAK: Djelomice mokri i skliski kolnici
Cijene nafte prošloga tjedna blago pale
Rusija kaže da je prekid vatre bez dugoročnog rješenja u Ukrajini neprihvatljiv
DZS: Broj zaposlenih u siječnju za 3,5 posto veći nego godinu ranije