ZADAR, Nov 26 (Hina) - The representatives of Croatian civilian and
military authorities and the UNPROFOR Command for Sector South discussed
today in Zadar how to establish ceasefire in Sector South. The Croatian
side was represented at the meeting by the head of the Govt. Office for
UNPROFOR Milivoj Tomas, Deputy Commander of the Split Croatian Army
Command Brig. Luka Dzanko and his associates, while UNPROFOR was headed
by the South Sector Commander Col. Georg Oehring.
Following the meeting, which was closed for public, the jornalists were
briefed and told that there is a "gentlemen's agreement" on the
ceasefire between the conflicting sides, which was first brokered on Oct
31, and prolonged on several occasions, including today.
"Until the general ceasefire is agreed upon, we shall continue with
verbal agreements," Col. Oehring told the press conference adding that
the situation in Sector South "is far from perfect", but that it is much
better than it was.
Croatian Army Deputy Commander of the Split Command Brig.Dzanko said
that UNPROFOR has no problems with the Croatian Army c
concerning the ceasefire.
Answering a journalist's question on why Serbs are prolonging the
signing of the ceasefire in Sector South, Col. Oehring said that four
sensitive areas are the issue: Maslenica, Zemunik, Peruca and Miljevci,
and that the Serbian negotiators had been suggested to condition the
ceasefire agreement by the withdrawal of the Croatian Army from those
The question whether UNPROFOR confirms that in their recent attacks
Serbs targeted civilian aims, was answered affirmatively.
UNPROFOR representatives also confirmed that Croatian forces are hitting
only the enemy's military positions.
UNPROFOR civilian police representative said that there are another
1050 Croats living in 50 villages in Sector South.
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