ZAGREB, Nov 2 (Hina) - Croatian President Dr.Franjo Tudjman met
this morning with the Co-Chairman of the Peace Conference on the
Former Yugoslavia Thorwald Stoltenberg and handed him his Peace
Initiative for the Implementation of the Peace Plan in the UNPAs
in Croatia, the proposal for ending the war and establishing peace
in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the proposal of the measures for permanent
strengthening of peace, according to a statement released by the
President's Office.
Those documents were also forwarded to UN Secretary General
Boutros Boutros Ghali, UN Security Council Chair Jose Luis Jesus,
the Chair of the EC Council of Ministers the Belgian Foreign Minister
Willy Claes and the other Co-Chairperson of the Peace Conference on
the Former Yugoslavia Lord David Owen, according to the above release.
(End) m-vk
021743 MET nov 93
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