ZAGREB, Nov 12 (Hina) - As part of diplomatic activities aimed at promotion
of the Croatian President's peace initiative, Deputy Foreign Minister Ivo
Sanader, in the capacity of the Croatian President's special envoy, was
received by Austrian President Thomas Klestil. Mr Sanader expounded the
views expressed in the peace initiative as well as its background and
President Klestil expressed full support for the peace initiative. He
emphasized an Austrian view that any delay in the continuation of
negotiations on the settlement of the crisis in the former Yugoslavia meant
further worsening of the situation which could lead to tragedy. He also
expressed support for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution
On Thursday Mr Sanader was also received by Foreign Minister Alois Mock.
Minister Mock also expressed full support for the peace initiative,
particularly views regarding the resolution of the crisis in the UN
Protected Areas, and negotiations between the Moslems and Croats in Bosnia-
Herzegovina. He offered diplomatic and humanitarian assistance to Croatia
in providing for refugees and displaced persons.
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