ZAGREB, 26 Feb (Hina) - In his text "Dayton in a mist of wishes"
published in today's VJESNIK, Ivan Sabic writes about the relations
between the Federation and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
"Both the demonstrative 'unification' of Mostar and the
presentation of Bosnian Croats as the enemy in their own country as
well as diminishing or even completely denying the role of Croatian
forces in the liberation of the parts of Bosnia from Serb
occupation - are in the function of the same politics.
The author writes that the ultimate goal of the politics is to
present the Washington Accord as the beginning of the reintegration
of Herzeg-Bosnia into the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina where
all Croatian institutions would be dismissed or subordinated to the
Republic's institutions, which have been under the total
supervision of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) for a long
"The meaning of the Washington Accords, as they are read in
the constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is
completely different. It doesn't stipulate the reintegration of
Herzeg-Bosnia into the Bosnian republic but rather the creation of
a new constitutional union of two equal nations who will be, in
accordance with the Dayton treaty, one of the entities of the
future Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the Bosnian republic doesn't
play a major role except that of the carrier of international
legitimacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina the way it was defined in the
Dayton treaty," the article says.
(Hina) jn ns
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