U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 10. ožujka 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 11,262 (16,052 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
73,71 centi (72,98 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 10. ožujka 1997.
MAY7 77.90 76.85 78.25 76.55 77.90 77.95
JUL7 78.90 77.75 79.00 77.70 78.70 78.81
OCT7 78.10 77.70 78.25 77.70 78.10 78.10
DEC7 78.25 77.80 78.25 77.70 78.20 78.23
MAR8 78.90 78.50 78.95 78.63 78.75 78.87
MAY8 79.10 78.80 79.10 79.00 79.25 79.30
JUL8 79.00 79.55 79.60
OCT8 76.50 76.75 77.00
DEC8 75.75 75.90 75.95
NYCE cotton ends up, specs buy ahead of USDA data
NEW YORK, March 10 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures settled
firmer after a rally in soybeans at the Chicago Board of Trade
sparked buying of old-crop cotton futures, market sources
"This appears to be speculative buying due to a CBOT
rally," Sharon Johnson, an analyst with Frank Schneider and Co
Inc, said.
CBOT soybean futures rose the daily 30-cent-per bushel
limit and soymeal futures climbed the $10-per-ton limit in
afternoon trade.
"There is no fundamental reason to warrant this rally,"
Johnson added.
Indeed, industry sources expect few changes in Tuesday's
supply and demand report. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
will issue its montly data at 0830 EST.
Analysts said the U.S. production estimate would remain
unchanged at 18.95 million 480-lb bales, while the USDA could
raise its export target from 6.5 million bales to as many as
6.8 million bales.
But high prices could stymie cotton sales and prevent the
U.S. from reaching even its current target, analysts warned.
May cotton gained 1.03 cents on the day to close at 77.95
cents a lb, having ranged from 78.25 to 76.55 cents. The back
months finished 0.93 to 0.05 cent higher.
Firm resistance was seen at the contract high of 85.40
cents in May.
Estimated volume reached 25,000 lots compared to Friday's
official 30,225 lots.
Following Tuesday's data, players will look towards the
USDA's first official estimate of planted area for the 1997/98
crop, to guide activity. The report will be issued March 31.
111016 MET mar 97
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