SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 12. veljače 1997.
minimalne količine vagona, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ghana Maincrop 1464.00 N
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1419.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1447.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1294.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ FAQ 1259.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1306.00 N
Malaysia 110 1327.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 1835.00 N
Liquor Brazil 1979.00 N
Maslac African 3480.00 N
Maslac drugi 3521.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 465.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 12. veljače 1997.
MAR7 1231 1231 1239 1211 1231 1234
MAY7 1272 1274 1277 1252 1272 1274
JUL7 1303 1304 1307 1286 1303 1306
SEP7 1334 1335 1335 1319 1330 1332
DEC7 1355 1355 1359 1342 1355 1355
MAR8 1385 1387 1388 1375 1380 1383
MAY8 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1405
JUL8 1423 1423
SEP8 1440 1440
DEC8 1455 1455
CSCE cocoa ends lower, fresh contract lows hit
NEW YORK, Feb 12 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa futures hit fresh
contract lows to end weaker Wednesday, but although much of
the day's losses were pared, a further slump was in the cards
due to plentiful supplies, traders said.
It was the second consecutive day of dips to life of
contract lows.
"There is just a lot of cocoa around and more and more is
coming in," a dealer said. "There is no reason for it to go
Germany, Netherlands and the U.K. have all seen higher
grindings figures, a sign of good demand, but not enough to
give the needed support to the market, traders said.
This time last year the nearby month dipped to about
$1,204 per tonne and the equivalent month may well fall to
this level again, the trader added.
Walter Spilka of Smith Barney also pegged nearby March
support at $1,200 per tonne as the market remains at
historically low prices.
"There is just no need to go chasing cocoa," Spilka said.
Spot March settled $10 weaker at $1,234 per tonne, off the
day's low of $1,211 - a new contract low.
Most active May went out $8 lower at $1,274 per tonne,
traded $1,277 to $1,252.
131049 MET feb 97
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