SARAJEVO, Oct 23 (Hina) - The American Embassy in Sarajevo on
Wednesday gave a reception to seven Bosnian Croat (HVO) and Bosnian
Army officers who will attend the training in the U.S.A as of next
month, within the IMET - international military education training
- programme.
Present at the reception were the Bosnian Federation Army
commander, General Rasim Delic, and a U.S. special envoy in charge
of military stability issues in the Balkans, James Pardew.
Pardew said that U.S. Congress had granted US$ 200,000 for the
training of the Bosnian Federation's soldiers in 1996. Next year
the fund would rise to US$ 500,000 in order to train a greater
number of the Bosnian Federation Army's members.
Currently, the Federal Army soldiers are to be trained for
engineering and transportation services, medical corps, and to have
drills in English. The training is within the "train and equip"
Asked by journalists whether the U.S.A. offered to Bosnian
Serb leaders cooperation in modernizing military troops, Pardew
answered in the affirmative. "I mentioned that during the talks at
Pale (Bosnian Serb stronghold), and Bosnian Serbs could join a
programme such as "Equip and Train," he said. He added that there
were some conditions on which the American side insisted, but which
Bosnian Serbs did not accept.
The Bosnian Serbs had been told that if they wanted to
establish military cooperation with the United States, they had to
recognize The Hague Court and accept the unification of all
military forces in Bosnia into one force, which would be under the
Defence ministry command. 'We want Bosnia-Herzegovina to be a
serious country and serious countries have only one defence
ministry', Pardew said.
(hina) mš rm
231830 MET oct 96
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