SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 09. rujna 1996.
minimalne količine vagona, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1563.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1583.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1414.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ SAQ 1386.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1460.00 N
Malaysia 110 1494.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 2035.00 N
Liquor Brazil 2213.00 N
Maslac African 3843.00 N
Maslac drugi 3857.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 515.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 09. rujna 1996.
SEP6 1360 1360 1360 1360 1345 1347
DEC6 1364 1365 1370 1360 1364 1366
MAR7 1397 1401 1403 1395 1397 1397
MAY7 1415 1422 1422 1415 1413 1415
JUL7 1435 1430 1433
SEP7 1450 1445 1448
DEC7 1475 1474 1474
MAR8 1501 1501
MAY8 1515 1520 1516
JUL8 1536 1536
CSCE cocoa ends dull session a bit weaker
NEW YORK, Sept 9 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa futures ended
weaker in exceedingly thin trade Monday, with light
speculative selling accounting for the bulk of the day's
losses, dealers said.
In what traders said was mainly a breather session
following last Friday's dramatic $50 rebound from five-week
lows, prices barely budged from their opening levels.
Day traders sold the market early in an effort to test
nearby chart support toward $1,360 a tonne, but light
scale-down buying from the manufacturing sector prevented the
market from sliding further, dealers said.
Most-active December ended down $7 at $1,366, traded from
$1,360 to $1,370. March fell $10 to $1,397. Spot September,
which expires at the end of the week, eased $3 to $1,347.
Volume was estimated at a scant 2,496 lots.
Traders displayed little immediate reaction to news that
International Cocoa Organization forecast a world supply
deficit of 225,000 tonnes for 1996/97 versus a surplus of
120,000 tonnes in the 1995/96 season.
The ICCO estimate follows a forecast made last week by a
leading U.S. trade house putting the 1996/97 deficit at
178,000 tonnes.
The ICCO also estimated the total 1996/97 Ivorian crop at
950,000 tonnes, compared with 1.2 million tonnes in 1995/96,
according to ICCO delegates.
101206 MET sep 96
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