SARAJEVO, 19 Dec (Hina) - The Croat member of the Bosnian Presidency and President of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kresimir Zubak, officially informed the international peace coordinator in Bosnia, Carl Bildt, as well as U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State John Kornblum that the Croat Republic of Herzeg- Bosnia, its government and ministries cease to function as of today, 19 December.
SARAJEVO, 19 Dec (Hina) - The Croat member of the Bosnian
Presidency and President of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Kresimir Zubak, officially informed the international peace
coordinator in Bosnia, Carl Bildt, as well as U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State John Kornblum that the Croat Republic of Herzeg-
Bosnia, its government and ministries cease to function as of
today, 19 December. #L#
In an open letter, which Zubak sent to Bildt and Kornblum in
his capacity as President of the Forum for the Federation of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federation President said that all
conditions for the transfer of remaining state functions of Herzeg-
Bosnia to the state authorities of the Federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina had been created by a decision of the current
government of Bosnia-Herzegovina on the final transfer of authority
and income to the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The current government of Bosnia-Herzegovina made this
decision at its last session held on 17 December.
In his letter, Zubak urged the two high officials to take
adequate actions and abolish the remaining institutions of Bosnia-
Herzegovina in the interest of consequent implementation of the
Washington and Dayton agreements. One of those remaining
institutions of Bosnia-Herzegovina was the Agency for Investigation
and Documentation, Zubak said, adding that seals, memoranda,
insignia and everything else that was contrary to the Federation's
Constitution should be abolished.
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