SARAJEVO, Sept 30 (Hina) - The three members of the Bosnian
Presidency issued a joint statement on Monday saying that they
had held a preliminary meeting in Sarajevo to agree further steps
in implementing the peace agreement.
The Presidency members - Moslem representative Alija
Izetbegovic, Croat Kresimir Zubak and Serb Momcilo Krajisnik -
confirmed their commitment to defending the Bosnian Constitution.
They began talks on establishing a new Council of Ministers,
which should be completed by October 30. It is important because
it opens the possibility of beginning talks with international
financial institutions on reconstruction aid of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, the statement said.
The three members agreed to contribute to the restoration of
confidence and tolerance among the peoples and called on the
media to follow them in their efforts.
They also agreed to use all three languages and two scripts
in public communication, the statement said.
The three agreed to release all remaining prisoners of war
who had not been indicted for war crimes by the International
Criminal Tribunal in The Hague.
They agreed that the inaugurative session of the Bosnian
Assembly's House or Representative and the Bosnian Presidency
would be held in Sarajevo on October 5.
The exact place and protocol of the session would be
determined subsequently through the mediation of the office of
High Representative Carl Bildt, the statement said.
(hina) vm
302343 MET sep 96
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