SARAJEVO, Sept 23 (Hina) - The Bosnian Serb representative in the
newly-elected Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Momcilo Krajisnik,
was still refusing to come to the Presidency building in downtown
Sarajevo for a Presidency meeting, the office of the international
peace coordinator, Carl Bilt, said on Monday.
"Krajisnik insists that the meeting be held somewhere on the
boundary between the two entities," spokesman for Bildt's office,
Michael McLay, told reporters.
Bildt's deputy Michael Steiner yesterday met with both
Izetbegovic and Krajisnik, but failed to resolve this problem.
Even though it had been announced that the Presidency was
required to meet within four days after the verification of
election results, there are no indications that this deadline will
be met. According to McLay, there is no formal deadline for that
(hina) jn as
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