SARAJEVO, Sept 29 (Hina) - The OSCE Mission's Provisional Election
Commission in Bosnia-Herzegovina on Sunday officially confirmed the
regularity of the Bosnian 14 September elections.
With this decision all elected candidates gained the right to
start with their activities, the Commission's president Robert
Frowick told a press conference in Sarajevo.
He said that the date for the holding of municipal elections
had not been decided. "The decision on the confirmation of the
elections is based on all objective evidence, including the
results, their verification as well as decisions on complaints",
Frowick said, adding that from the start it had been obvious that
the Bosnian elections could not satisfy the standards which would
be valid in democratic countries.
Frowick pointed out the lack of freedom of movement, pooling
or a politically neutral environment as requested by the Dayton
Agreement as the biggest shortcomings of the preparations for the
The fact that war crimes suspects, including Radovan Karadzic,
had been prevented from taking part in the elections was extremely
important, Frowick said.
He took all responsibility for mistakes which had occurred
during the counting of the votes. Asked whether he would resign,
Frowick said that there was no reason to do so.
He also said that the elections had fulfilled the obligations
requested by the peace agreement, however without describing them
as free, fair or democratic.
Frowick's deputy Kenneth Scott said that the basic goal of the
OSCE Mission had been to support the democratization process,
adding that these elections were a step forward.
Commission member John Reed said that the elections
represented a big experiment. "For the first time the elections in
a country had to serve as an instrument to solve a conflict and
therefore they couldn't be perfect. However, their holding brought
significant changes within the structures of power in this country
and this is extremely important", Reed said.
(hina) ha
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