MOSTAR, Sept 3 (Hina) - Commander of the multi-national division
for sector Southeast General Xavier de Lambert on Tuesday said that
all 13,000 soldiers of that division covering the Sarajevo, Mostar
and Gorazde areas would be engaged to provide security during the
Bosnian 14 September elections.
According to de Lambert, the NATO-led Peace Implementation
Force (IFOR) had three main duties in relation to the impending
elections. These were the supervising of military objects,
logistical support to the Organization for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE) and the maintenance of roads.
Leader of the OSCE Regional Office in Mostar Wolfgang Odendahl
said that OSCE and IFOR would cooperate closely in the final phase
of the preparations for the elections.
(hina) ha jn
031451 MET sep 96
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