$ CE
SARAJEVO, Sept 5 (Hina) - Preparations for the Bosnian elections
were going according to expectations, spokesman for the mission of
the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in
Sarajevo Thomas Leary said on Thursday.
Leary confirmed that refugees' ballots would be accepted at
OSCE's headquarters in Vienna until 14 September.
The deadline was rearranged due to difficulties described by
OSCE representatives as technical, namely the slow arrival of
ballots sent by post.
Leary also confirmed that the declaration of the regularity of
elections announced for 14 September would depend on how the leader
of the International Monitors' Office in Bosnia-Herzegovina Ed Van
Thijn would evaluate the course of the voting.
Van Thijn must inform OSCE chairman Swiss Minister Flavio
Cotti on the course of the voting and any irregularities. Cotti may
then either confirm or annul the results of the elections.
(hina) ha jn
051522 MET sep 96
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