SARAJEVO, Sept 15 (Hina) - Deputy president of the Provisional
Election Commission in Bosnia-Herzegovina Kenneth Schott on Sunday
said that he was satisfied with the course of elections.
There was very little violence at yesterday's elections and
only two larger incidents, a hand grenade thrown at the house of a
member of the local election commission in Bugojno, about 75
kilometres west of Sarajevo, and an attack on the leader of the
Joint List of BH Zlatko Lugumdzija in Sarajevo.
"We condemn the violence", Schott said and added that the
Election Appellate Commission had been informed about it.
He also said that the counting of votes continued in
Republika Srpska, which had this morning been prohibited by Serbs,
even though it was under exclusive authority of the Provisional
Election Commission to do so.
We had given instructions for the continuation of the counting
of ballots, which had been followed through in most electoral
centres, Shott said.
(hina) ha lm
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