SARAJEVO, Sept 14 (Hina) - The Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) mission said on Saturday that all
polling stations in Bosnia-Herzegovina opened according to
schedule at 7.00 hours and that voting in the area covered by the
OSCE Sarajevo office was running smoothly.
Only a small number of people were not found on electoral
lists and they were sent to local election commissions to verify
their registration, the OSCE mission's director general for
elections, Jeff Fisher, told a news conference in Sarajevo.
According to the latest OSCE report, about 60 percent of
some 3,000 members of the armed forces and police turned out for
the vote held on Friday.
Fisher said that a hand grenade had been thrown at the home
of the Croat chairman of the election commission in the western
town of Bugojno at 20.00 hours on Friday.
The attack prompted the local branch of the Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) party to withdraw its representatives from
the election commission. OSCE and HDZ officials were holding a
meeting to solve the problem.
However, voting in Bugojno was proceeding normally despite
the incident, Fisher said.
IFOR spokesman Bratt Boudreau said that Serb police in the
northeastern town of Brcko were preventing voters from crossing
the Sava river bridge from Croatia.
He said that negotiations were under with local Serb
authorities to lift the blockade.
According to unconfirmed reports, the chief of police in the
northwestern Serb-held town of Prijedor had ordered the voter
route into town to blocked.
(hina) vm
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