COPPER 2516.5/17.5 2264.0/65.0 2045.0/55.0 1975.0/85.0 2517.5
(STG EQV) 1518.21 1368.16
TIN 5975/5980 6030/6031 6180/6190 5980
LEAD 705.00/6.00 716.00/7.00 687.00/2.00 706
(STG EQV) 425.76 433.1
ZINC 1122.0/23.0 1142.5/43.0 1168.0/73.0 1168.0/73.0 1123
ALU.HG 1604.5/05.0 1634.0/34.5 1653.0/58.0 1642.0/47.0 1605
NICKEL 7150/7155 7265/7270 7550/7570 7745/7765 7155
ALALLOY 1520.0/25.0 1526.0/28.0 1555.0/75.0 1525
SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6582 DEM 1.6416 JPY 118.85
Volatilities jump in LME zinc options, volume low
LONDON, Jan 22 (Reuter) - Volatilaties in LME zinc options
have held firm after spiking higher last week, but recent
turnover has been lacklustre with many players reluctant to
write more options, dealers said.
"The vols have gone up on supply and demand -- there's no
supply and there's good demand for upside calls...there are no
natural grantors," one said.
Since three month zinc prices zoomed higher last week,
adding over 10 percent to the price in a few days, implied
nearby volatilities have pushed up by five to seven percentage
February at-the-money volatilities were quoted on Wednesday
morning at 20.00/23.00 percent, slightly higher than Tuesday.
"Initially the front month vols went and now today we're
seeing the curve move farther out as well," a dealer said,
adding that there had been some offers around on Wednesday for
March and April dates at 22 percent.
LME data show 825 lots (20,625 tonnes) of February calls and
1,266 lots (31,650 tonnes) of March calls were traded on
Tuesday, with the bulk at $1,150 and $1,175 strikes.
Several dealers said most market makers had been long
volatility ahead of the move higher and were reluctant to let go
of material they were holding.
"Volatilities were at historic lows five or six months ago
and they felt they didn't have anything to lose," a dealer said,
adding that speculative customers and some producers wrote the
Third quarter volatility was seen at 19.0/21.0 percent and
fourth quarter at 17.5/19.5 percent.
In aluminium, short-covering was seen on Wednesday on $1,650
February calls, which have been traded up to 24 percent
volatility, dealers said.
"That is a particularly sensitive strike and I think one
dealer went around this morning and covered some of the shorts,"
one said.
At-the-money February volatility was quoted at 19.0/22.0
percent and March at 18.0/21.0 percent.
Copper volatilities, which have been sliding since Christmas
on heavy granting, are off their lows seen late last week,
dealers said.
February implied volatilities were quoted at 20.0/23.0
percent, little changed on the week and a point or so off the
lows, while February was at 21.5/23.5 percent.
The vols may have seen their nadir for the year, several
dealers said.
"I think they've reached a level where they're worth having.
There is movement in the market so you can get your time decay
back," one said.
Another dealer noted that volatilities were back where they
were last summer before a spike took prices up more than $200 in
a few days at the end of August and beginning of September.
Upside calls have been the focus recently, with most strikes
from $2,200 to $2,400.
FRANCUSKI METALI - 21. siječnja 1997.
BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1443
CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 670
SREB. C3E FFR/KG 791/315
PLATINA FFR/KG 52200/87900
PALADIJ FFR/KG 17600/26000
IRIDIJ FFR/KG 12900/35400
KOBALT FFR/100 KG 33799
ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200
NJEMAČKI METALI - 21. siječnja 1997. - u DEM po 100 kg
OLOVO U KABELIMA 99.94% 131.25/132.25
221659 MET jan 97
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