U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 16. siječnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 55,326 (40,051 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
70,29 centi (70,54 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 16. siječnja 1997.
MAR7 74.15 74.57 74.70 74.06 74.15 74.21
MAY7 75.70 75.95 76.00 75.60 75.70 75.75
JUL7 76.75 77.10 77.15 76.67 76.75 76.75
OCT7 76.95 77.15 77.15 76.85 76.95 76.95
DEC7 76.96 76.99 77.10 76.85 76.96 76.96
MAR8 77.90 78.05 78.00 77.90 77.90 77.93
MAY8 78.40 78.45 78.47
JUL8 78.50 78.75 78.77
OCT8 77.20 77.35 77.42
DEC8 76.40 76.35 76.42
NYCE cotton ends weaker, still locked in range
NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton ended weaker after
bullish exports sales data failed to prompt a rally, leaving
the market locked in its well-established tight range, traders
Earlier floor sources said the favorable USDA cotton
exports sales data released Thursday before the market opened
had largely been factored into the market Wednesday, but no
follow through buying came once trading began.
USDA reported 1996/97 export sales to the week ended Jan 9
reached a net 238,000 running bales.
"But if the market advances too much on the export sales
then we are going to shut of the faucet, and that's not what
we need," softs analyst Judy Ganes of Merrill Lynch said.
A break out on the upside would, nevertheless be difficult
at the present time because of high stock levels, she added.
Since October certificated cotton stocks delivered against
NYCE's No2 cotton futures contract have risen steadily from
about 60,000 bales to 93,383 bales on Thursday.
March cotton settled 0.34 cent weaker at 74.21 cents per
pound, traded 74.70 to 74.06 cents. Volume was estimated at
6,800 lots compared to Wednesday's official 7,745 lots.
171049 MET jan 97
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