U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 14. siječnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 22,243 (34,150 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
70,00 centi (70,34 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 14. siječnja 1997.
MAR7 73.95 74.25 74.35 73.80 73.85 73.90
MAY7 75.50 75.69 75.80 75.35 75.40 75.46
JUL7 76.40 76.79 76.85 76.40 76.40 76.40
OCT7 76.45 76.70 76.76 76.45 76.45 76.45
DEC7 76.65 76.50 76.80 76.42 76.59 76.61
MAR8 77.50 77.40 77.50 77.40 77.46 77.51
MAY8 77.90 78.05 78.10
JUL8 78.20 78.35 78.38
OCT8 76.50 77.00 77.20
DEC8 76.35 76.35 76.35 76.35 76.35 76.42
NYCE cotton ends weaker, speculators seen short
NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton settled lower as
the market remained largely rangebound in modest volume with
news that speculators had gone short failing to prompt any
covering rally, traders said.
A spec/hedge report indicated that speculators were nine
percent short, towards the upper of trader expectations.
"It was the inability of the market to follow through on
the upside that convinced them to go short," Sharon Johnson of
Frank Schneider and Co said.
Some good trade buying on the lows were noted, however,
Johnson said. "Eventually a shortcovering rally will come, but
it remains to be seen when," she added.
March cotton settled 0.28 cents weaker at 73.90 cents per
pound, traded 74.35 to 73.80 cents.
Volume was estimated at 6,200 lots compared to Monday's
official 5,705 lots.
150949 MET jan 97
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