SKOPJE, March 25 (Hina) - A conference on foreign trade of
Central European Initiative (CEI) member states today began in
the Macedonian capital of Skopje.
The conference was opened bz Macedonia's Foreign Minister,
Stevo Crvenksovski, and Slovenia's Development Minister, Janko
Delzak, who presided over the gathering.
The meeting was attended by representatives from Austria,
Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy, Hungary, Poland, the Czech
Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia. Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and
Ukraine were observers.
Minister Ivan Majdak of Croatia stressed the changes in the
restructuring of the Croatian economy, and said that Croatia was
interested in improving its cooperation with Central European
Initiative member states and the European Union.
He said that CEI countries should be admitted to European
and world trade systems, and added that Croatia would be given
support from the countries participating in the conference for
its admission to the membership of the Council of Europe and
other international institutions.
During a break, Majdak told reporters that ministers'
reports focused on the creation of conditions for the development
of every country and for their mutual cooperation.
The conference adopted a final document which said that the
efforts of the associaton should be aimed at furthering economic
transformation of its member states and removing obstacles
slowind down their integration with the European Union.
The document expressed willingness to help to revitalize the
war-devastated areas of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
(hina) vm
251847 MET mar 95
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