ZADAR, March 23 (Hina) - The Croatian Army would not accept false
accusations and share the blame for violations of the ceasefire
Agreement, the assistant Commander of the Croatian Army District in
Split, 1st Lieutenant Mario Tomasovic, said today.
He was discussing the situation in the occupied area of
Southern Croatia - Sector South, at press conference in Zadar.
Serb troops in Sector South were regularly violating the cease
fire Agreement, Tomasovic said and he named all the places where
Serbs were digging trenches (openly using machines), performing
engineering work and preparing fire positions.
On March 18 Serbs transported the first mortar battery to the
area around Skabrnja village, and on March 21 the second was
transported, Tomasovic said.
From their stronghold in Zemunik Gornji (Zadar hinterland)
Serbs had fired an M-80 missile and opened artillery fire in
direction of Suhovar on March 18, Tomasovic said and stressed that
all this had happened in the separation zone defined by the
ceasefire Agreement as 'a demilitarized, UNPROFOR protected area'.
The Croatian Army was not responsible for Croatian Defence
Council's opening fire at Serb paramilitary troops and at UNPROFOR
officers on March 19 near Budim, a Croatian-Bosnian border, where
one officer was lightly wounded.
The Croatian Army could not be responsible for fire opened
from Bosnia-Herzegovina territory, Tomasovic said.
The group that had been fired at included UNPROFOR General for
Sector South, Rastislav Kotil, who on that day, together with a
group of UNPROFOR officers, had been visiting the area at the
invitation of Serb separatists.
Tomasovic said the Croatian Army would continue cooperating
with UNPROFOR while it was carrying out its duties under the
ceasefire Agreement and UN Security Council's resolutions.
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