MOSTAR, March 10 (Hina) - The Bosnian Croat Defence Ministry this
evening released "new facts" on the "kidnapping of HVO (Croatian
Defence Council) General Vladimir Santic by Bosnian army 502nd
brigade, led by Col. Hamdija Abdic."
"The kidnapping itself was preceded by the wounding of a HVO
officer," the statement said.
"The general was taken away under the pretext of an
invitation to Hotel Sedra, where Bosnian Army 5th Corps
commander, Brig. Gen. Atif Dudakovic, was celebrating Women's
Day," the statement said.
After arrival at the hotel, the general disappeared from
human ken.
The kidnapping gave rise to a "collective feeling of
insecurity" among the Croatian population in Bihac, further
compounded by yesterday's small-arms provocations in the vicinity
of the HVO command, the statement complained.
(hina) jn as
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