ZADAR, March 15 (Hina) - The Croatian army and rebel Serb forces
were digging new trenches and fortifying their positions in UN
Sector South of Croatia, the UN said today.
There were incidents near Ribnik in the Lika region, where
both sides increased their presence inside and near the separation
zone, and at Smilcic where Serb forces had again laid mines on a
road which they had been previously removed, UN Sector South
spokesman Alun Roberts told a press conference in Zadar.
Responding to a journalist's question, Roberts was unable to
specify locations where Croatian army troops were digging in, but
said he would answer to the question at the next press conference.
This prompted the journalist to reply that Roberts had
apportioned the blame between the two sides and accused the
Croatian army without furnishing any corroborative evidence for his
allegations. Roberts did not comment on this.
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