( Editorial: --> 9478 )
COPENHAGEN, 18 Dec (Hina) - The prospects for the successful
completion of the Mission of the Organisation for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Croatia are excellent, Croatian
Foreign Minister Mate Granic said in his speech at an OSCE meeting
in Copenhagen on Thursday.
Granic also described as excellent the OSCE's prospects for
confirming its ability to contribute to the strengthening of peace
and safety in its member-states, in cooperation with European and
transatlantic organisations.
Speaking about the OSCE's role in Croatia, Granic stressed the
organisation of local elections in April this year, which were
supervised by 500 OSCE monitors.
The success of those elections was one of the most important steps
in the successful completion of peaceful reintegration of the
Croatian Danube river region, Granic said.
The OSCE Mission's new mandate would result in the OSCE taking over
the role of the most important organisation of the international
supervising mechanism in Croatia.
"The restructured OSCE Mission will have the main role in assisting
my country in its efforts to further develop its democratic
institutions and successfully complete the process of post-war
recovery," said Granic, stressing the OSCE Mission had and would
continue to enjoy the support of the Croatian Government.
Granic said he was convinced that the decision on the mandates of an
OSCE representative for freedom of the media and a coordinator for
economic activities and environment represented further
strengthening of the OSCE's efforts and of its existing
organisations, such as the Office for Democratic Institutions and
Human Rights and the High Commission for National Minorities.
Commenting on a discussion on the model of European security for the
21st century, Granic said Croatia recognised the irreplaceable
role of the OSCE in those mechanisms, the same way it recognised the
roles of NATO, the UN, the Council of Europe and other regional
"We are convinced that all of them have their roles in constructing
European security," Granic said.
During the first day of the ministerial meeting in Copenhagen,
Granic held bilateral meetings with foreign ministers and high
officials of Russia, Bulgaria, Israel, Switzerland, the Vatican,
Austria and Slovenia.
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