( Editorial: --> 3902 )
ZAGREB, Nov 26 (Hina) - The Organisation for Security and
Cooperation (OSCE) mission is helping Croatia to fulfill
undertaken commitments with the final aim of Croatia's accession
into the family of European countries, OSCE representatives said in
Zagreb on Wednesday.
A delegation of the OSCE Troika - comprising the representative of
Denmark, which currently presides over the organisation, a
representative of Poland, to preside over the organisation, and a
representative of Switzerland, formerly presiding over the OSCE -
arrived in Zagreb for a visit to Croatia.
The Danish Ambassador at the OSCE, William Friis Moeller, Poland's
Adam Kobieracki and Switzerland's Marianne von Gruenigen held
talks with representatives of the UN Transitional Administration
for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem (UNTAES) in
Vukovar on Tuesday, and with Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and
Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Ljerka Mintas-Hodak on Wednesday.
Moeller told Wednesday's news conference that the OSCE mission in
Croatia would not take over the UN's tasks, because they would be
taken over by Croatian authorities.
The OSCE's task was to help the Croatian authorities to realise
their own goals, namely democracy, human rights, rule of law,
equality before the law and final accession into European
associations, Moeller said.
Nobody expected fast results, he added.
The task of the OSCE mission in Croatia, established in April 1996
at the invitation of the Croatian government, is to promote
democracy and human rights, and especially to supervise Croatia's
fulfillment of obligations regarding the two-way return of
refugees and displaced person and the protection of members of
national minorities.
The OSCE is active in the whole of Croatia, but its special
attention is directed towards the Croatian Danube river region and
the areas liberated in the Croatian military operations "Storm" and
"Flash" in the summer of 1995.
Besides the headquarters in Zagreb, the OSCE has 16 offices in these
areas, six of them in the Croatian Danubian area.
The Croatian authorities had undertaken a number of commitments
concerning the normalisation of the situation in the country, and
OSCE's main goal was to supervise the course of the process on the
ground, OSCE mission chief in Croatia, Tim Guldimann, said.
Moeller said the Troika had talked to President Tudjman about the
issue of equality under the law, which was especially important for
the Danubian area, as well as for the whole of Croatia.
The talks had also focused on the continuation of the process of the
return of refugees and displaced persons, where modest progress had
been achieved in the past two months, he added.
Kobieracki said everyone had expressed a wish to cooperate with the
OSCE, and thus strengthen Croatia's position.
The OSCE mission in Croatia is of long-term importance and the
current mandate expires on 31 December 1998.
Croatia was accepted into OSCE as a full member in March 1992.
(hina) lm jn
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