( Editorial: --> 9215 )
COPENHAGEN, 17 Dec (Hina) - A Croatian state delegation, led by
Foreign Minister Mate Granic, arrived tonight in Copenhagen, where
it is to attend a ministerial meeting of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation, which will start on Thursday.
The meeting will be opened by the Danish Foreign Minister Niels
Helveg Petersen.
One of the members of the Croatian delegation, Ambassador in the
OSCE Permanent Mission, Mario Nobilo, expressed satisfaction with
draft decisions which are to be adopted at the meeting.
Croatia would be a subject in decision-making and not an object as
it had been during the previous years, Nobilo added.
Representatives of 54 OSCE member-countries are to discuss draft
decisions on entrusting Norway with the task of chairing OSCE in
1999, on appointing Freimut Duve OSCE representative for freedom of
the media, as well as on entrusting the OSCE Permanent Council with
devising new modalities for OSCE meetings on human dimension
Decisions, which caused no disputes or alternative proposals,
include Germany's draft ministerial decision on starting a
regional process of stabilisation in line with Paragraph 5 of Annex
1.b. of the Dayton agreement and on the basis of the Agreement on
Subregional Arms Control.
One of the issues on the agenda is also the appointment of a special
OSCE coordinator for the stabilisation process.
Among other draft decisions, the meeting is also to consider
Albania's draft decision on the need for immediate and
unconditional return of the OSCE mission to Kosovo, Sandzak and
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