( Editorial: --> 8470 )
ZADAR, Dec 15 (Hina) - A regional office of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe was opened in Zadar, central
The office was opened by Ambassador Helmut Rau, deputy head of the
OSCE mission in Croatia. Also in attendance were representatives of
county and town authorities.
The role of the OSCE mission in Croatia is very important and
positive, Rau said.
The OSCE wants to assist Croatia in fixing the post-war situation,
he added.
There will be 250 OSCE observers who will monitor the normalisation
of relations and the application of relevant legal solutions, the
ambassador said.
Croatia is on a lasting road of establishing trust and it is the
right road, Rau said.
Zadar deputy prefect Bozidar Longin was satisfied with the opening
of the office and hoped cooperation between its employees and
county authorities would be fruitful.
The head of the OSCE regional office in Zadar, Jozef Pason, said
that cooperation was very important.
(hina) ha
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