STRASBOURG, Jan 30 (Hina) - The Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly, on Thursday adopted a resolution on respecting the Dayton
In the resolution the Parliamentary Assembly requested for the
strengthening of the mandate of the international High
Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Carl Bildt, and for the
urgent discussion on Bosnia-Herzegovina's Government's reports on
the situation in Mostar.
The Parliamentary Assembly decided to urgently start a process
of control in Mostar and the Mostar area following latest
allegations about Croatia's interference in the area, according to
the document.
The Parliamentary Assembly voiced satisfaction with progress
on the military level in resolving the crisis in Bosnia-
Herzegovina, but it stressed that the progress was slower in the
areas of human rights' protection, the return of refugees and
extradition of war criminals to the International Tribunal for war
crimes committed in the area of the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The resolution also contains the Assembly's demand that the
process of reconstruction of the Croatian Danubian area should be
stepped up and that the return of the displaced people to their
homes in the area should be facilitated.
The head of the Croatian Parliament's delegation to the
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Zarko Domljan, said that
the resolution on the Dayton Accords indicated that the Council of
Europe "sees equally the roles of Croatia and the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia (FRY) in the implementation of them (Dayton
According to Domljan, the resolution did not equate Zagreb
with Belgrade as regards the issue of the media freedom, since the
Assembly deplored the pressure the Serbian regime was exerting on
independent media.
Commenting on the resolution's part referring to the claims
that Croatia interfered in the issue of Mostar, Domljan said it was
not about the condemnation of Croatia but it was only "demand that
the Council of Europe should carry out control and make
(hina) mm mš
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