STRASBOURG, Jan 26 (Hina) - The Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly is to begin its winter session in Strasbourg on Monday. A
Croatian Parliament delegation will also be present at the session.
The Parliamentarians are to vote on a draft resolution within
the framework of the post-Dayton process which mostly concerns the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Bosnia-Herzegovina in a lesser
degree and Croatia is mentioned only a few times.
Croatia has not been placed on the agenda as a special item
because in the act of accession into the Council of Europe, Croatia
had received a deadline of one year to ratify certain conventions
and agreements. The deadline expires in November 1997 and in the
meantime, Croatia will participate in discussions concerning
various other issues.
As the process of admitting new member countries into the
Council of Europe is almost at an end, the Parliamentary Assembly
should establish a new committee whose task would be to follow the
fulfillment of commitments taken on by countries at the time of
their accession into the Council of Europe.
The Parliamentary Assembly is expected to set up sanction
mechanisms for countries who do not fulfill their commitments,
starting from suspension of the rights of parliamentary delegations
to participate in the work of the Assembly, to the possibility of
the Parliamentary Assembly to recommend the Council of Ministers to
take away a country's membership.
The Croatian delegation is headed by Deputy President of the
Croatian Parliament Zarko Domljan.
(hina) lm
261414 MET jan 97
EL: Uvjerljiv Bodo/Glimt, rimski sastavi do prednosti u sudačkoj nadoknadi
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
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