U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 27. svibnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 4,393 ( 3,181 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
69,69 centi (69,22 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 27. svibnja 1997.
JUL7 72.97 72.50 73.00 72.30 72.95 72.97
OCT7 74.47 74.10 74.55 74.00 74.47 74.45
DEC7 75.05 74.70 75.20 74.65 75.05 75.13
MAR8 76.00 75.90 76.40 76.00 76.30 76.40
MAY8 77.00 76.50 77.00 77.00 77.10 77.15
JUL8 77.15 76.90 77.45 77.15 77.45 77.45
OCT8 74.75 75.40 75.45
DEC8 74.25 73.95 74.25 74.00 74.15 74.20
MAR9 74.85 75.00 75.10
MAY9 75.25 75.60 75.70
NYCE cotton ends firmer and just shy of resistance
NEW YORK, May 27 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures closed firmer
and barely under resistance amid light short-covering by the
funds and commission house buying, dealers said.
Benchmark July climbed to its upside target and the session
high of 73.00 cents in early dealings, and drifted below the key
level throughout the day. Steady trade selling blocked further
gains, floor sources said.
The spot month settled at 72.97 cents, up 0.66, having ranged
from 73.00 to 72.30 cents. New-crop December closed 0.49 cent
firmer at 75.13 cents, while the outer months settled 0.55 to
0.05 cent higher.
The NYCE will issue its weekly spec/hedge report on
Wednesday, due to the long Memorial Day weekend. Players said the
speculators should begin to more aggressively cover short
positions ahead of the July contract's expiry in three weeks.
An estimated 7,500 lots changed hands on the day, compared
with Friday's official 3,105 lots.
281034 MET may 97
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