VITEZ, Dec 2 (Hina) - Dr. Drago Djumbus, health official in the
Vitez area, stated today at the first anniversary of the
establishment of the Franciscan hospital of Nova Bila (Central
Bosnia) it was looking forward to delivery of humanitarian aid soon
as well as to arrival of the doctors and medical stuff in this
There are at the moment 91 wounded persons admitted to the
hospital, 55 of whom are gravely wounded, while the medical stuff
currently employed there, is exhausted by constant work. The
seriously wounded should be immediately evacuated from Nova Bila to
better equipped hospitals.
The Croatian Defence Council's (HVO) commission for the exchange
of the prisoners-of-war issued a statement on an incident in the
camp of the Nordic UNPROFOR soldiers, situated in the Vares area
(Central Bosnia). Fleeing before the Moslem-dominated B-H Army, one
civilian from Vares sought shelter in the camp of the Nordic
UNPROFOR battalion on the 17th of November 1993. He stayed in the
camp until the 24th of November 1993, when the Moslem military
police entered the camp and took him prisoner. He was first taken
to a prison in the part of the Vitez area under control of the
Moslems, and later to a prison in Tuzla (northeastern Bosnia). The
HVO of Vitez lodged an official protest with the UNPROFOR
Headquarters in Bosnia-Herzegovina because of this incident.
021656 MET dec 93
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