ZAGREB, Nov 22 (Hina) - The American aircraft carrying 60 tons of
medicines and medical equipment arrived on Monday at the Zagreb
airport. The amount of this delivery is US$ 1,7 million and it is
a donation to hospitals in Croatia and Bosnia. This shipment was
send by the American organization USAID within the frame of the
Project Hope.
The aircraft was met by Croatian Health Minister dr. Andrija
Hebrang and American Ambassador to Croatia Peter W. Galbraith.
Minister Hebrang emphasized that hospitals in Croatia lacked
cytostatics and chemoterapeutics which were included in this
Ambassador Galbraith said that this humanitarian aid delivery
was only a minimum of the efforts which the international
community would have to make this year in order to make easier
the suffering of people in Croatia and B-H.
221338 MET nov 93
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