ZAGREB, Nov 23 (Hina) - The main medical HQ of the Croatian
republic of Herzeg-Bosnia forwarded a letter today to the UN
Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, UNHCR Commissioner
Sadako Ogata, U.S. President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister
John Major and the U.S. Ambassador to Croatian Peter Galbraith
asking them to undertake urgent measures for preventing the
tragedy threatening to the besieged Croatian enclaves in central
Bosnia where there are approx. 150,000 persons. The HQ appeals
for the deliveries of aid to the Franciscan Hospital in Nova
Bila, whose patients and medical personnel are fully surrounded
by the Muslim forces.
The letter states that only ten doctors (excluding the
pediatrician, anesthesiologist and the gynecologist) carried out
350 surgical interventions under general and 1,500 operations
under local anesthesia since the hospital was founded on Dec 19
1992, that 1,800 wounded and 3,400 ill persons were admitted to
the hospital in the recent six months, that 80 patients are
treated daily, and that there have been 40 to 50 births per
month. The hospital operates without electricity, running water,
anesthetics, antibiotics and soaps.
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