ZAGREB, Nov 6 (Hina) - "On Sunday, November 6, the church committees of
Catholic parishes in central Bosnia appealed for help to the Holy Father
John Paul II. ... The church committees warned that the Islamic world, Arab
countries, helped the Bosnian Moslems, that the Orthodox world, Russia,
helped the Serbs, and that the Catholic West did not help in the same way
the Bosnian Catholics," said a commentary in Wednesday's issue of Glas
Koncila, a magazine of the Catholic Church in Croatia.
According to the author of the commentary, "aid which is to be expected
from the West, of which it should be persistently reminded and which
should be its obligation, cannot and must not be the aid in conducting a
religious war, even if it is a defensive one. The West should see for
itself that the Croatian Catholics in Bosnia are not engaged in a religious
war but in a struggle against brutal and inhuman aggression, which is also
being shrouded in religious colours, but is in fact the gravest form of
plundering, the trampling of all human and civil rights. However, the
wording of appeals, which the West would understand and which it would
listen to attentively, must be straightforward in order to avoid plunging
into the style of the past times."
The author warned that documented evidence of the preservation of symbols
of other religions in the Croatian territories was of more importance than
appeals for help in waging a religious war.
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