TRAVNIK, Nov 23. (HABENA/Hina) - Franciscan hospital in Nova
Bila, central Bosnia, is asking for help from all humanitarian
organizations and medical institutions, reports Herzeg-Bosnian
News Agency.The Hospital in Nova Bila urgently needs
gynecological equipment and food for the new born babies. More
than 110 babies were born in this hospital since June but more
than 250 children were born in houses and ambulances in Novi
Travnik and Vitez due to the lack of fuel for ambulance vehicles.
In the recent three months 55 abortions and 12 still births were
registered. All of them were caused by the lack of food,
psychotraumas and inadequate protection of pregnant woman.
Hospital management also reports on deficient medical staff,
medicines and other equipment.
231741 MET nov 93
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