ZAGREB, Nov 16 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and Prime
Minister Nikica Valentic held talks late Tuesday afternoon with directors
and chief editors of the Croatian media.
At the beginning of the talks President Tudjman answered the question
about peace initiatives of Germany, Greece and France. "From our point of
view, neither one of those initiatives is completely acceptable...
Ministers Jouppe and Kinkel are afraid that the war could extend and they
think that Croatia could wait for the resolution of the issue on UNPA's and
that the main task is to stop the war in B-H. We also think that halting
the war in B-H is the main task but we cannot delay solving the UNPA
problem. Because of that, we made such a concrete proposal for the
resolution of the UNPA issue and for connecting the both issues in the
interest of peace and making of assumptions for the arrangement of the
relations on the territory of the former Yugoslavia (president Tudjman's
Peace Initiative)," said President Tudjman.
"It is clear that all what is expected to be done for the normalization of
the relations cannot be guaranteed by present forces and present UNPROFOR
mandate. Because of that, the Croatian Government and UN Secretary General
will have to discuss at the end of this month what has been achieved and
what steps should be undertaken in order that UNPROFOR could stay in
Croatia," said the President answering the question about UNPROFOR
operations in Croatia.
Answering the journalist's question, Prime Minister Nikica Valentic said
that the inflation will be five or even four percents this month.
"After the falling of inflation, more difficult job is forthcoming -
restructuring and afterwards stimulating measures for the revival of
production," Valentic said.
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