ZAGREB, Nov 14 (Hina) - President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tudjman
held talks with the special envoy of the Russian President Yeltzin, Vitalij
Curkin, in Zagreb on Sunday. Their talks revolved around the issue of the
UNPAs in the Republic of Croatia and a possible solution of ceasing all
hostilities in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Croatian President and the Russian
envoy discussed views of the international factors on the above-mentioned
problems as well.
Expressing his support to the peace initiative of President Tudjman,
Vitalij Curkin reiterated the Russian standpoint that the UNPAs in Croatia
were the integral parts of the Republic of Croatia.
Commenting on the views of Mr. Curkin on possibilities of lifting
sanctions against Serbia after an agreement on B-H, President Tudjman
explained the Croatian standpoint, which is in accordance with the U.N.S.C.
Resolution 871, that the sanctions imposed on Serbia could not be lifted as
far as that country has not given up supporting and helping the Serb
insurgents in the UNPAs in Croatia, and if Serbia does not recognize the
Republic of Croatia within its internationally recognized borders.
The support of Croatia to all peace initiatives aimed at stopping the war
in B-H as soon as possible was again emphasized during those talks today in
Zagreb. Croatian President stressed out the importance that the latest
aggression of the B-H Army on the Croatian enclaves in Bosnia be urgently
ceased. In that context, the special envoy of the Russian President,
Vitalij Curkin, expressed the support of the Federation of Russia to the
Croatian request, already forwarded to the Security Council of the United
Nations, that the attacked Croatian enclaves in Central Bosnia be
proclaimed safe havens.
141403 MET nov 93
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