WASHINGTON, Feb 2 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador to the United States
Petar Sarcevic, Tuesday and Wednesday met several Republic and
Democrat Congressmen, to inform them of Croatia's decision to
cancel the current UNPROFOR mandate.
Ambassador Sarcevic and Congressmen Sam Nunn, Clayborne Pell,
Dan Rohrabacher and Nancy Kassebaum, discussed the situation in
They supported the development and strengthening of the Croat-
Moslem Federation of Bosnia, saying it was an important element for
stability in eastern Europe.
Acknowledging Croatia's views on UNPROFOR's current mandate
and the motives behind its decision, the Congressmen expressed
fears over the possible resumption of hostilities following the UN
peacekeepers' exit.
At the same time they supported Croatia's opting for a
peaceful solution to the problem of its occupied territories.
Ambassador Sarcevic also informed the Congressmen of the
implementation of the 1994 December 2 Economic Agreement between
Croatian Government and rebel Serbs.
(hina) jn sd mms
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