VINKOVCI, Jan 26 (Hina) - Rebel Serb authorities in the occupied
territory of Croatia today did not allow US Ambassador Peter
Galbraith to visit the eastern town of Vukovar.
UN peacekeepers manning a check point at Lipovac said they
could not allow Ambassador Galbraith to enter Sector East because
Serb authorities in Knin had not given clearance for the visit.
Galbraith then travelled to Vinkovci where he met County
prefect Matej Jankovic and Mayor Drazen Savgelj.
Galbraith told reporters after the meeting that he had asked
UN special envoy Yasushi Akashi to arrange for him to visit
I thought it would be very useful for representatives of the
people living in this Sector to meet a representative of the United
States and hear his opinion, Galbraith said.
Galbraith believed Knin authorities had denied Vukovar
residents the right to express their opinion.
(hina) jn vm
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