MOSTAR, Jan 27 (Hina) - The European Union ambassador to Mostar,
Klaus Metcher, told a press conference today that the situation in
the city was becoming tense.
"We hope that authorities from both sides of the Neretva River
keep the situation under control," Metcher said.
He called for the release of detainees in Mostar but did not
specify who they were.
Metcher said 'general concern' was the reason why EU police
and Spanish UN peacekeepers stepped up security measures around the
Ero Hotel. He hoped the tense situation would be overcome.
Metcher said the matter would be discussed with the President
and Vice President of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Kresimir Zubak and Ejup Ganic, the mayors and police chiefs from
east and west Mostar. The meeting was convened by the EU
Administration in Mostar.
(hina) mar sd vm
271417 MET jan 95
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