SARAJEVO, Feb 1 (Hina) - Talks at Sarajevo airport yesterday on
releasing POWs, failed because of interference by Serbs who did not
allow Croatian Defence Council (HVO) representatives to attend the
UN spokesman in Sarajevo, Gary Coward, today confirmed today
that Serbs stopped a French UN armoured carrier transporting the
HVO representatives, at an illegal checkpoint at Kasindolska Road.
The UN armoured carrier was not allowed to get to the airport,
and thus Croatian officials could not attend the talks mediated by
the International Red Cross.
The incident occurred at the very same location where Bosnian
TV reporter, Namik Berberovic, was kidnapped seven days ago.
The Serb stronghold of Pale (outside Sarajevo) gave the UN
Protection Force headquarters a list of names of people who should
be set free in exchange for liberating Berberovic.
A UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko said that the UN peace keepers
adamantly rejected this request and insisted on the unconditional
release of the kidnapped reporter. Yasushi Akashi personally
assumed the task of involving himself in liberating Berberovic, and
he would talk to psychiatrist Radovan Karadzic about it.
The UN officials at their Sarajevo headquarters said all crews
of UN armoured carriers transporting civilians towards the airport
should carry Bosnia-Herzegovina's citizens only through the
Dobrinja suburb. Other armoured carriers were allowed to travel
along the Kasindolska Road where this notorious illegal Serb check-
point lies.
(hina) jn sd mms
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