SARAJEVO, Jan 26 (Hina) - A three-day programme to mark one
thousand days of Sarajevo's resistance to the Serb aggression
started today in the Bosnian capital.
Most of 240 guests, that are excepted by Sarajevans, arrived
in the city this morning by UN plane. The Sarajevo authorities had
invited mayors of sister-cities, Olympic cities and other towns
that had helped Sarajevo during the war.
The celebration of Sarajevo's 1,000-day resistance to the Serb
siege will commence this evening with a solemn concert by a
violoncellist Valter Gaspalj and the Sarajevo symphony orchestra.
The guests are to visit the Kosevo hospital tomorrow, and lay
wreaths in cemeteries where more than 10,000 victims of the Serb
aggression have been buried. They are scheduled to say joint
prayers in the 'Begova' Mosque, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, the
Orthodox Church and the Synagogue.
A symposium titled "Life to Sarajevo- For Future of World" is
to be held on Saturday.
(hina) mar mms
261430 MET jan 95
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