SARAJEVO, Jan 23 (Hina) - The situation in most parts of Bosnia-
Herzegovina has been calm in the last 24 hours, with ceasefire
violations in the north-western enclave of Bihac.
UN military observers recorded 30 detonations overnight in
the Bihac area, in the villages of Klokot, Zegar and Vedro Polje.
About 100 explosions were registered along the line of
confrontation between the Bosnian Moslem-led government army and
rebel Moslem and Croatian Serb forces east of Velika Kladusa.
UN observers also reported that Serb forces fired two
artillery shells in the Ribnica area in central Bosnia.
UN spokesman in Sarajevo Gary Coward said the Bosnian
government and Serb representatives resumed talks on opening
supply routes in and out of Sarajevo.
Bosnian government minister Hasan Muratovic and Serb
negotiator Momcilo Krajisnik said after talks yesterday they were
optimistic about reaching an agreement on "blue routes" soon.
The blockade of a UN base at Tuzla airport was lifted
yesterday after a Serb liaison officer left the base.
The Bosnian government army had blocked the airport in
protest at the presence of Serb liaison officer Slavko Guzvic.
The Bosnian army Second Corps said Guzvic had been the
commander of a Serb brigade before he became a liaison officer
and was held responsible for artillery attacks on civilian
targets in Tuzla.
(hina) vm
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