MOSTAR, Jan 27 (Hina) - "Croatian and Moslem representaties have
solved many problems plaguing the Bosnian Federation," the
Federation's Croat President Kresimir Zubak said today after six-
hour talks with Moslem Vice-President Ejup Ganic in Mostar.
The talks were brokered by Mostar's EU Administrator Hans
According to Zubak, it was agreed that all prisoners and
persons in police custody, civil and military, would be released on
the "all-for-all" basis.
The matter will be elaborated in two documents, to be
signed by the Herzeg-Bosnian and Federal military commanders and
interior ministers, and confirmed by Zubak and Ganic in Sarajevo on
Also discussed were the power supply to eastern (Moslem-
controlled) Mostar and Croat-Moslem disagreements in the Brcko
(north-eastern Bosnia) and Usora (central Bosnia) areas, Zubak
Federal officials are to visit these areas in the next few
"Having refused the Contact Group plan, Karadzic's Serbs
are now seeking to destabilise Croat-Moslem relations," Ejup Ganic
"We won't give them that pleasure," Ganic said.
"The Bosnian Federation is in a tight place and has many
enemies, but it is a balanced project," he said, describing today's
talks as a "step forward for Mostar."
Also present were the mayors of western and eastern Mostar,
Brajkovic and Orucevic, Bosnian army and Croatian Defence Council
(HVO) military commanders, Bosnian Croat officials and Federal
government ministers.
(hina) jn as
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