ZAGREB, Jan 23 (Hina) - President Tudjman's office chief-of-staff,
Hrvoje Sarinic, today received a delegation of Croats from Boka
Kotorska (on the Montenegrin coast).
The delegation included Vlatko Percin, head of the Croatian
community in Boka "St. Leopold Mandic", Zvonimir Janovic, head of
the Croat Confraternity of the Boka Navy 809, and Josip Pecaric,
World Croatian Congress official for Boka.
The delegates informed Sarinic of the position of Croats in
Boka, the changing structure of the population in the area, and the
fundamental question of how to help Croats in Boka, a statement
from the President's office said.
Croats in Boka Kotorska no longer had any cultural society or
any other kinds of associations, they were also discriminated
against economically and politically. Their numbers were rapidly
decreasing, and the only meeting place for them was the Roman
Catholic Church. In relation to this there were discussions on the
possibilities of helping Croats in Boka. They agreed on some
concrete steps in this regard.
Sarinic told delegates of Croatia's efforts geared towards
protecting Croats in the so-called Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia/Montenegro). Sarinic was pleased to be acquainted with the
Boka Croats' problems, adding that such information would be very
useful in future talks with the FRY authorities.
Croatian Government Minister, Juraj Njavro, also attended the
talks, the statement said.
(hina) jn sd mms
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