ZAGREB, Jan 26 (Hina) - Croatia's delegation, led by the
Parliament's Speaker Nedjeljko Mihanovic, this morning left Zagreb
for an official visit in Poland to participate in the 50th
anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazis'
biggest death complex .
The delegation included the Croatian Army's headquarters
chief-of-staff, General Janko Bobetko, the head of the Jewish
Community in Zagreb, Ognjen Kraus, and a parliamentary deputy,
Milivoj Kujundzic.
Upon the departure Mihanovic said because Europe and the world
ware celebrating this year the 50th anniversary of the victory of
the European and world alliance over Fascism, Croatia having been
among first countries to resist Fascism would engage itself in the
celebration. This visit to Auschwitz was among Croatia's first
participations in commemorations of the Nazis' victims abroad.
The Croatian delegates were to meet the Polish Parliament's
Speaker, Josef Oleksy, as well as Russian and Bulgarian
parliamentary delegations.
The Croatia delegation was expected to return to Zagreb on
Friday night.
(hina) mar mms
261042 MET jan 95
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