ZAGREB, Jan 26 (Hina) - "Negotiations Rather Than War" is a
headline of VJESNIK's report on yesterday's session of the Croatian
Parliament's House of Representatives. Parliamentary deputies
Wednesday discussed a Government's report on UNPROFOR's current
mandate in Croatia and they would continue debate today. The
decision to end UN peace keepers' mandate was not directed toward a
war solution. Its essential matters were not negotiable, VJESNIK
carried a statement by Foreign Minister Mate Granic.
Under a headline "Federalization is Out of Question" The daily
published an interview with President Franjo Tudjman's advisor,
Smiljko Sokol. He said that any kind of federalization was
unacceptable for Croatia, which would create a state of the
temporarily occupied Croatian areas within the State. Sokol
emphasized that there was no question about either formal or
disguised federalization.
The other daily, VECERNJI LIST, carried a report on
yesterday's House of Representatives session under the headline
"Croatia-Mature to Decide Independently".
VECERNJI LIST's columnist, Mirko Galic, commented on an
offer of European diplomacy for Croatia not to oust UN peace
keepers, so that Europe would let it come closer to European 'safe
deposits'. This offer smacked of business dealings, or more
precisely of buying a peace, according to Galic.
The daily commented on results of the first American polls of
Croatia's public opinion. Only one out of five Croat respondents
believed that Croatia should be exclusively for Croats. Eighty
seven per cent of Croats trusted President Tudjman, and this
percentage was higher than in other European countries.
(hina) mar mms
261243 MET jan 95
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